How to Make Your Mindset More Positive as a Woman

Katie Gorden
3 min readSep 30, 2021

Even though women are some of the most incredible creatures to grace the planet, they’ve been mistreated throughout the generations. Oppression, abuse, and gender inequality are many of the issues that continue to plague women to this day. With that understanding, it’s so important to develop a strong mindset. As a woman, you have the power to break down any obstacles in your way. It all starts within the mind. By incorporating the following tips, you can develop a mindset that’s both positive, strong, and productive.

1. Listen to Motivational Messages Daily

When it’s time to do an hour of cardio, many people love to listen to fast-paced music with certain cadences and rhythms. There’s something about the right playlist that can help a person breeze through a five-mile run in a way that orchestral music just can’t. What you listen to will directly impact your thought process and your mindset.

One of the best ways to pump yourself up for more positivity involves listening to motivational messages on a daily basis. Whether it’s a great podcast for women or an inspirational audiobook by an accomplished public figure, be intentional about consuming sources of inspiration as you start your day. These messages will help you develop the positive mindset of a winner.

It’s also wise to decrease your intake of the news, social media messages, and phone conversations. Unless you have really positive people in your ear on a consistent basis, it’s best to put the phone down, focus on your journey and develop your inner voice to propel you forward.

2. Monitor Your Diet

Your diet doesn’t solely involve what you eat. It also involves what you consume and listen to. However, in this case, you’ll want to closely monitor your physical diet because there is a direct connection between the brain and the gut.

Studies point to the negative impact processed foods have on the body and the brain. Inflammation contributes to mental health issues as well. Focus on consuming foods that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Do your best to drink lots of water, take your vitamins and consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Your diet holds the power to directly impact your mood and your mindset.

3. Assume the Best

While there are plenty of people in the world who have evil intentions, this isn’t the case with everyone. There’s nothing wrong with developing a discerning and wise mindset as you engage with people. However, it’s helpful to assume the best.

When you’re constantly thinking that everyone is out to get you, you only sabotage your own ability to become a positive thinker. Even if someone does something to hurt you, find ways to assume the best. In this case, you can assume the best by not taking it personally.

Yes, it’s happening to you, but it’s not your cross to carry. The way someone treats others is a direct reflection of how they feel internally. Protect yourself as you move forward, but lead with a mindset that believes the best.

4. Actively Express Gratitude

In many public speeches and sit-down conversations, Oprah Winfrey emphasizes the importance of expressing gratitude. When you’re grateful for what you currently have, it makes it much easier to focus on the positive. Additionally, a grateful heart tends to seek out and enjoy new things to be grateful for.

Keep a journal by your bedside. Whether you do this when you wake up in the morning or before you go to bed each night, write down five things you’re grateful for. Even if you’re grateful for the ability to get some rest, write it down. Your perspective changes when you’re constantly aware of things to be grateful for.

There are many other ways to develop a positive mindset. However, this list provides the fundamental points that will serve you for the rest of your life. When you begin to implement these habits, they might feel awkward or unusual at first. When you find yourself struggling to maintain a positive mindset, just know that it’s a practice. You’re not going to master it in one week or one month. In fact, this is a journey. Take it one day at a time, and watch your life transform.



Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and campfires.